WHiTFK Marketing Partner Signup Form

Thanks for joining What’s Happening in the Florida Keys as one of our Marketing Partners! First we’ll need to collect some information about your business. Please fill out the form below with as much information as possible so that we can get started. And if you haven’t already, be sure to set up your subscription using the button below. (Be sure to use the “pay with debit or credit card” option if you do not have a PayPal account)

PRIVACY NOTICE – The information collected in this form is used solely for the purposes of collecting business information from our marketing partners to be used in our social media posts and is not retained, sold, or transferred to any third parties. You are welcome to email this information to us if you choose.

Business Page Member Guidelines

Although our Marketing Partners have extended privileges in our Florida Keys Facebook groups, there are some page-specific guidelines that need to be followed:

  1. All current group rules need to be observed (with the obvious exception of posting limits for businesses, but still no more than once per day).
  2. Marketing partners may post in their “home group” up to 7 times per week (once per day) and up to three times per week in our other Keys groups
  3. Business profiles should conduct themselves appropriately in the group and only post or comment as their page when it is related to their business or a post or comment about their type of business. e.g. A post about where to get a tire changed doesn’t necessarily need a response from a fishing charter.
  4. Any business related *posts* (posts and comments are two different things) *must* come from the business profile, not your personal profile or the personal profile of an employee or associate.
  5. Comments may come from the business profile or your personal profile but it is recommended to interact in the groups as your business since this lends more credibility to the engagement and gives the potential customer a direct line of communication with the business.
  6. Along with your extended posting privileges, business pages may still only post once per day.
  7. We understand that many businesses utilize more than one marketer for their social media but we ask that links, tags, and hashtags in your posts do not direct people to other marketers or businesses and please no shares from, or links to, other Facebook groups. Our strength lies in keeping our audience ours; in short – “no outside food or drink”.